- 7:30 a.m. I have a cigarette while waiting for the bus and I immediately want gum. My mouth tastes gross. I'm thinking about how I am going to try and look for a mint at work.
- 9:00 a.m. My boss buys me Starbucks which I try not to drink very often. Afterwards, my mouth again tastes gross and I want some gum. I have a meeting so I can't stop and find a mint
- 11:00 a.m.I am working on a project and want to chew on something. I have a blow pop. I wasn't even thinking about the gum in the middle...so I kind of cheated.
- 1:00pm I have just finished lunch and I want another piece of gum. Instead I have some Jolly Ranchers.
- 3:30pm I have a cigarette and want some more gum. I have more jolly ranchers afterwards instead.
I realized after this day of craving gum throughout the day, I'm not always chewing for the reason I originally though: breath. I actually rely on it quite a bit when I"m trying to concentrate. I also didn't realize how big of a habit it was for me. I could almost compare it to cigarettes. It was a natural reaction just to reach it for and extremely frustrating when I figured out I couldn't have one. I got used to it pretty quickly and it wasn't too difficult to find a replacement however when I couldn't, I was self-conscious or annoyed.
Thinking about my relationship with gum, I supposed it's like a boyfriend you ignore until you need him. I felt like it was something I don't even think about until I wanted a piece and then I was irritated when I didn't have gum. It's nothing I can't quickly get over but it's convenient to have it there.
I suppose mints can replace gum as far as having fresh breath. The biggest difference between gum and a lollipop, mint or piece of hard candy is that you can chew it. It's an activity almost versus just something that you keep in your mouth.
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